Our Mission
is to EXPOSE everyone to the love of Jesus, EMPOWER families, ELEVATE our community and ENGAGE in the work of God around the world.
Expose everyone to the love of Jesus. Our dream is to live the love of Jesus so explicitly as to make it easy for people in Syracuse to discover Jesus and hard for them to miss him.
Empower families to live the lives they were created to live. Our dream is to see whole families finding their purpose and passion together. Empowering them with the tools needed to succeed personally, professionally and spiritually.
Elevate our community. We see neighbors, people of all back grounds, working together as brothers and sisters to lift each other and our communities so they are increasingly becoming the beautiful, prosperous and safe communities where our families can thrive.
Engage in the end time work of God in Syracuse and the world. We envision a church family that actively engages in the Holy Spirit’s work in Syracuse and whose impact reaches around the world.